Where are you located?

I am located in southwest Roanoke at the following address:

2702 Brambleton Ave, SW Roanoke, VA 24015

What hours do you keep?
I see clients between the hours of 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
How do we work together during COVID-19?

I am making extensive use of telehealth – including video and phone conferencing. I’m continuing to see limited clients in my office. When you call, we’ll decide the best way to work together.

I’m extremely conscious about my health and yours. I ensure surfaces are cleaned daily, wear a mask in common areas, and practice social distancing of at least six feet.

I ask you to monitor your own health and choose to stay in place if you have any COVID-19 related symptoms.

What are your fees?
My out-of-pocket fee is $135 per session for individual therapy and $65 for group therapy.
Why is therapy so expensive?
I could speak here about what it costs to be a business owner – the actual costs of overhead and the total of earned income taxes. However, I’d like you to go a bit deeper to this basic question:
“How much are you worth”?

Considering this can be difficult for some if you are one of those people, keep reading.

I repeatedly hear the question, “Can I really afford to do this?” I’ve arrived at yet another question: “Can you afford NOT to?

And another: “What is the actual cost of your allowing things to remain as they are?”

I’m familiar with resistance; it can show up in some or all of the following ways.

“I can’t afford this.” The reality is you are making choices every day, and those choices reveal your priorities – whether it’s about time or money or relationships. You’re the one who decides where to invest in yourself.

This can be an enormous piece of work – to step into allowing resources to support your growth and healing. There’s no way to make your growth tangible enough to compare it with your car payment, mortgage, or kids’ college fund.

You have to go deeper here to consider the benefit – to yourself and everyone else – of your tuning into your own truth, your own values, your own willingness to make yourself a priority.

So, I ask you again, what is the value of clarity about what you want and how to achieve it? What are you willing to pay for healing your wounded parts and feeling the freedom from that old familiar cloak that keeps you trapped?

How can you justify not diving into your own heart to discover greater alignment with your soul’s purpose?

I’ve spent thousands of dollars on programs to discover what needs healing and what my unique gifts to the world truly are. Looking back, I do not regret a single dollar invested in my personal growth. In fact, on reflection, I wonder how I ever considered not doing the work.

In most cases, my return was worth much more than I paid for it. So, I ask you: What is your joy, happiness, connection to your higher self/soul and radical self-love worth?

Resistance can also emerge in the following questions:

Am I worth the investment of money or time; can I truly commit to something that will ask my family to step in more fully to allow me the time to care for myself?

Am I willing to face my fears and change what’s holding me back?

Can I stay committed to the work and be strong enough to overcome the urge to give up before I begin?

Can I allow myself to enter a process of growth – even though I’m not sure what that journey looks like or how I’m going to get there?

Only YOU can decide the value to place on your healing and growth.

When you’re ready to dive, I’m here to take the plunge with you. I will fiercely hold the vision you have for yourself as we work toward celebrating your soul’s most genuine path.

How long are your sessions?

Individual therapy is 50 minutes.

DBT skills group lasts for 90 minutes.

Body Code sessions are generally 60 minutes for the initial session and 30 minutes thereafter.

Shamanic sessions are generally 60 minutes.

Do you take insurance?

I work with two insurance companies, Aetna and Anthem BCBS.

However, I submit claims for all insurance companies – even those considered out-of-network. I’ll also provide you with a superbill to support your use of HSA funds or for tax purposes.

I thought shamanism was the work of the devil. Is that true?
Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice on our planet. It is not a religion. It’s a perspective that honors the spiritual nature of every living thing.
Do I have to know my spirit animal before seeing you?

Absolutely not!

However, if you are curious about your spirit animals, I’ll be happy to identify one or more for you with the aid of my own helping spirits.

Do you have a magic wand?
Not a magic wand, per se; however, I do have a plastic wand, along with a slinky and other fiddle toys, that clients sometimes like to play with during sessions.